Yesterday I was asked; "what is The Angels' Closet ?" Simply, The Angels' Closet is the name of my business. It's a store without walls. In 2004 I took my first jewelry making class; wire wraping;  I learned to make a necklace and pair of earrings. I was also making candles, toiletries, and quilts at the time. I sold these items at local fairs for about 2 years. I am only making jewelry right now because as much as I try there are still only so many hours in a day.

My youngest son, Daryl, helped me to come up with the name. He wanted it to be 'Debbie's Closet', but there were so many 'closets' with people's names that I did not want to be one of the herd; but I did want it to be a 'closet'. I thought about naming it after my mother, making it Angeline's Closet, but then Daryl said; "what about The Angels' Closet? Gram is an angel now and it can be named after her without using anyone's name." I thought that was a great idea.
The Angels' Closet is a conceptual store where one can find what might be in an angel's closet; all things beautiful.

Now on to fun stuff. Yesterday I wrote about 'always having tomorrow' and how that has helped me this week  to slow down and enjoy my day more. When I woke up this morning one of my thoughts was that I am going back to work on Sunday and what I need to get done before then. The laundry is still in the process of being done, and thank goodness it is a machine that is actually doing all the work. But I am not focussed on that task.  The idea of 'there is always tomorrow' only holds true for chores, because if I die today who cares if the laundry got done. But I will care that I wrote this blog and made earrings this morning and enjoyed my garden, and played with my dogs, and spoke to my children and told everyone how much I love them. Those things can not wait until tomorrow. So I am living in the moment as if this is my last day, at the same time having faith there there is always tomorrow. It only took me 60 years to get here, and I hope I can remain here after Sunday. We will see.






Welcome to my blog.  I don't know what I am going to talk about so it will be a surprise for all of us. It could be about jewelry, or pets, or kids and grandkids or even cooking, or anything else. I will try to keep you posted on my current projects and whatever else floats around in my mind and what is going on in my life.
This week I am practicing being retired. I took some vacation days from work but I am not on vacation. I am home, as I said, practicing being retired. This is a change in thinking. Usually I have deadlines or chores I need to complete before I go back to work, so this week  I have no deadlines, there is always tomorrow. Earlier in the week I was doing some laundry and decided to read so I took my book and sat under the pine tree in my front yard and read. The laundry waited because there is always tomorrow.
In my life ( I celebrated my 60th birthday this year )  I have crammed at least 3 days of living into one day because life is too short and I need at least 3 lifetimes to do what I want to do in this life. However, this week,  I have discovered that taking it slow lengthens the days, and I want a lot of long, long , LONG days; as long as they are fun. So I will continue to practice retirement for the next few days, until I have to return to work, and then I will see where I go from there.
TTFN;  that is TaTa For Now for those of you who have not read Winnie the Pooh.