A few weeks ago I was at the right place at the right time. This usually does not happen to me so I was very surprised that it did. Before I say what happened I want to give a little background first.
In July of this year my job moved from an old, worn out, and sick building into the most fabulous building ever. My job is now housed in the L.A.Mart Design Center, yes the Los Angeles Mart Design Center. County workers are not allowed on any of the showroom floors. We can only only go to our designated floors. I understand this and agree with it. These designers do not need a bunch of people wandering around. But I know in the depth of my being that the Universe had the County pick this building just for me. (LOL) It is a beautiful building with marble floors and it is CLEAN. Our offices are state of the art and beautiful. Even the over head lighting is sculptural and beautiful. I couldn't be happier.
So, it was a Sunday. I work Sunday through Thursday. I was in the elevator going up to the floor I work on. The L.A.Mart was having an event. There is an art event going on right now until next Spring throughout Los Angeles County. All of the museums and galleries are participating. It is called 'Pacific Standard Time'.  These venues are featuring art that took place in California, I believe between the years of 1970 to 1990, AND the L.A.Mart was kicking of the event on this particular weekend when  I was in the elevator going up to my job.
No one was in the elevator with me but then the elevator stopped on the 2nd floor. No one got in the elevator for the longest time but the door remained open. I am not allowed to get off the elevator on the 2nd floor so I stayed in the elevator but stretched my neck pretty far to peek out,  BECAUSE I saw a HUGE fabric wall sculpture of a snake, and drawings and paintings on the walls and a LOT of people walking around. It was wonderful and tearrible because I had to stay in the elevator. This must be purgatory for an artist. But then.......a man stepped inside the elevator. When the door closed he asked; 'so how are you today'. My only response was to be honest and say; 'jealous'. He asked me if I liked art.  I told him that  I am an artist. He said; 'well go and enjoy the show'. "I can't', I responded. He asked "why not?" I told him that it is not allowed, that I am not allowed to go. He looked at the number that I pushed on the elevator buttons and then he looked back at me and  he also  looked a bit  appalled, and said; 'yes you can, you can go'. I said; 'no I can't'.  AND THEN HE SAID 'You can go as my guest, I can get you tickets"'.  "You can get me tickets?!"  I was so excited!
"Yes, I can get you tickets". then the door opened on the 4th floor and he said, "come with me" and he stepped off of the elevator. I stood there for a second and he said; "well, come on". So I stepped off of the elevator, and there I was in forbidden territory in the lobby of the 4th floor. I just stood there. He said; 'wait here". So I waited.  A few minutes later he returned with a VIP pass and a letter of invitation. He told me that he was the show manager and gave me  the VIP pass. He told me to go enjoy the show and that if anyone bothered me to show them his business card, and he gave me his card. I thanked him and we spoke for few a minutes more and then I told him about my web site and he told me to send it to him in an email. I hope he has had time to take a look, especially now that I am writing this blog. HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT?!!!!  So I took the day off and called my friend/coworker, Diane, and we went to the show. This art show was fabulous. Such a treat, and so unexpected.
The next day I was in the elevator again and a woman stepped in with me. She was a buyer so she is allowed to meander all the floors. She told me that she just bought some samples on the 4th floor and that she has a non profit boutique and that she can not survive without the samples. I told her that it was great that she got some good deals. I am not very good when talking to people and I did not think to say 'hey, maybe I can help you with that and then tell her about me'. When I stepped off of the elevator that thought came to me but it was too late. I thanked the Universe anyway for bringing me that opportunity even though I flubbed it up, and I asked the Universe to bring that one back around some time and I will do better next time.
I know that more opportunities will come my way and now I am ready for them. This type of opportunity has rarely crossed my path all on it's own. Usually people I know bring me to people they know and then things happen for me. But now I am here in this building of designers and buyers and I  have to be ready because apparantly I am at the right place at the right time in my life.

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